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My Dream Job

I realize that no one will be reading this today, as it's only an hour before the day officially ends. To be honest I'm not quite sure I want to keep writing.

1) I am going to start off with something completely off topic. Watch this, it's hilarious. Especially the last line. Rob and I just repeated it a bunch of times and giggled. "I'm your wife, I'm the greatest good you're ever gonna get!"

2) I love evenings filled with good conversation, random meals (decided on because of a dear friends "inspired suggestion"-her words), a good movie and lots of laughter.

3) Brave looks like it's going to be another brilliant piece of work by Pixar. Pixar is brilliant. I pretty much love anything done by Pixar, and I can count on it being pretty clean. If you don't believe me watch the trailer. I think you'll particularly enjoy when the father imitates his daughter. "I don't want to get married. I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I glide through the glen. Firing arrows into the sunset." Maybe it's partly the accent I like, it makes me feel close to Ruth.

4) I have a really bad habit of procrastinating. I bet you haven't noticed at all! ;)

OK, now I will start.

I think my dream job would probably include many different jobs. I'm not sure what it all would look like realistically but here it goes.

Firstly, I want to own a farm some day, preferably either a horse farm (but not a large one) or just a farm capable of handling horses, perhaps some chickens, a vegetable garden and Rob has requested there be a shed that he an call his own and it will be his...:) I'd like the house to be an old farm house, with a wrap around porch, that is yellow brick or just yellow siding. This farm is not just so I can achieve my life long dream of being a siree. I've always had this dream of opening a ranch for young women in situations where they need some help or some love or just somewhere safe to stay. These young women could be from abusive situations, they could be just struggling with life and feeling loved, they could be young girls who have gotten pregnant and don't know where to turn, they could be struggling with eating disorders or just needing a break (either self-imposed or other-imposed).

This dream of owning this farm is what led me to take Psych for my undergrad and which now has me doing my M.Div in Counselling. God and I get excited about this dream. I like to dream with God about this dream. This normally leads me to look up farms for sale and realize that God's hand is definitely going to need to be in this in order for us to buy a farm. :) I not only want to provide this place of safety and love but I want to provide a space where these young women feel as though they can find help, a place where they feel as though they can open up and a place that they feel accepted and I want to be one of the people God uses for that. I know that Rob and I cannot do this dream on our own, I hope to have a team of people who can provide other necessary parts. Teachers, nutritionists, nurses, doctors, friends, occasional cooks. Probably at first it would be a really small team. Maybe one of each of those things.

My dream job is to walk alongside young women who are struggling and to talk with them and help them to discover for themselves solutions to whatever they face. My dream job is to love these young women. Thinking of this brings tears of joy to my eyes!

But I would also love to be able to write. Not just a blog, but to be published. I think that this part of my dream job is the part that is the most out there, as I believe that all this other stuff God can use me for, but I'm not sure what kind of book I could write that would matter in the eternal sense. :)

Tadah! Finished!

Tomorrow we're heading to the beach and I am super excited! It should be a blast. I plan on taking many pictures. Though probably not of myself as I have a little tanning to do to get rid of the wonderful short tan that I have created for myself already. Ah, summer.

Also congratulations to Ruth who graduated with her Master's today and to Stephanie who graduated with her undergrad yesterday! So proud to be able to call both of you my dear friends! God has great plans in store for you both. Ruth, I was there in spirit today and thought of you often, you are an amazing woman.

Au Revoir blogosphere et Bonjour week-end!


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