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5 things that make me the most happy right now

This post couldn't have come at a better time! My plan was to post every day for 30 days, some of you may have noticed that I missed yesterday. Missing it was totally worth it to see one of my camp sisters. Every time at the beginning of summer I always get this little camp pang in my heart and want to go back. Then I look through years of camp photos that I have, I can't decide if this is a good or bad idea...

So, figuring out the first thing that makes me happy right now was pretty easy:

1. Seeing camp family, and/or hearing that so many in the camp family are doing really well. I can always tell when I'm talking to someone who has a similar camp family because instead of looking at me like I'm silly for missing some people I worked with at camp they look at me like they understand why I miss these people so much. I also know they have a similar camp family because they normally start telling stories of their own and we laugh and cry together.

2. As simple as it may sound the weather makes me so happy right now. Especially the smells that come along with this time of year and this time of weather. I love driving along and smelling BBQs or campfires burning. I love the smell of sunscreen and grass. Some of my best memories come from the summer so as soon as these smells start appearing I find myself in automatic happy mode, often I can't explain it.

3. Rob makes me the most happy right now. He always has this ability to make me laugh, even when I don't want to. He is incredibly witty and has the ability to assess a situation and deliver a perfect one liner that has every one chuckling. Beyond that he is able to laugh at himself when things don't end up the way he had planned. His humour is one thing I always appreciated about him and was definitely something that drew me to him in the beginning.

4.  Friendships also make me really happy right now. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people that bring so much joy and love into my life. Some of these people I've known for years and some of these friends are just new, but they all bring so many good things into my life. I'm blessed by great conversation, wonderful encouragement, a lot of laughter, reminders of how amazing God is, and just silly conversation.

5. Reading through old journals and being reminded of the ways that God has truly worked in my life in the past and the ways I know that He is working in the present. I love being able to look back and recognize when things were changing in my relationship with Him and when I was going through struggles and trying to figure them out. This is a good reminder now for me to continue to journal during these moments so that I can remember all the little details and the ways that God has been working.

There are many more little things that make me happy, but those are probably the biggest things right now. :) Tomorrow I will be potentially exploring what the hardest thing I've ever been through is...or I may skip that and look at talk about my dream job.


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