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Summer Thoughts and Realizations.

I'm not sure if I really want to write about 5 strengths that I have today. There have been some other thoughts running around in my head that I would like to share. If by the end of that I feel the nudge to write more I will.

1. I love the smell of a campfire. I think that this is because some of the best conversations I've had happened around campfires. Also, campfire smell reminds me o hilarious skits. Particularly a skit we call the "Lunch Box Skit". In part of this skit guys act out opening their lunch boxes. We've had everything from polly pocket lunch boxes to lunch boxes that floated, to lunchboxes that transformed. I think I've cried from laughing so hard at many a campfire. I hope to go to one again this year. I feel a sense of joy when I think of campfires.

2. There are many things in this world that happen that continue to shock me. A lot of these things have been brought to my attention at work, through hearing about things happening in the community or talking with the guys I work with. I realize more and more how naive I am. I think that this is both a positive thing and a negative thing. My heart breaks for some of these children. I have never seen so many kids with such low levels of confidence. Though there is one boy who is hilariously confident. I told him I heard he was good at soccer and he replied, "Yea, I'm the best. I'm so good." I asked him if he was better than Victor (one of the guys I work with who plays varsity soccer). He confidently replied with loads of assurance that he was better than him and that he already told Victor that. OH children.

3. It's way too hot out these days. Someone told me it was supposed to feel double the temperature tomorrow. To beat a little boredom today at work we decided to see if hitting a water balloon with a bat would produce a nice spray. It does. It's fun. I suggest trying it sometime.

4. I want to go up to a cottage alone. Just me. In the middle of nowhere, with some music, a laptop that only has Word, a Bible, a good devotional or just beautiful writings about God and relationship with Him, and my journal. Food and warm drinks are also a necessity, but just the simple things. The only reason I add a laptop to that list is because sometimes I find my thoughts flow too fast for me to write and I type faster than I write by hand. I wish there was a place like this nearby.

5. Recently a thought has been running around in my head. I've been pondering these past three years and what they've been like and how my relationship with God has changed and grown and struggled. I realized two things. A) That if I had everything handed to me as I "grew" in my relationship with God I would not really know Him because I never would have had to search for Him and understand Him and question my beliefs. B) In this time where I have felt that God was nowhere to be found, when I was wondering where He was, He has been so much closer than I thought. As I've had words to say in situations that I would never have known what to say before, as I've learned new things about myself that I didn't have the strength to notice before, as I've prayed for people I don't know and felt peace I never thought about the fact that He is truly living inside me. He is a part of who I am and in some ways we are so knit together that I don't realize that it is Him instead of me. Praise God for working in us even when we don't understand enough to give Him credit! Ha.

I don't know if that last point made sense. I explained it to Rob more eloquently in the car.

6. My husband is the bomb-diggity. He makes me laugh. We have great conversations in car rides, but we can also be silent. He makes me dinner after a long day and doesn't complain about it or flaunt the fact that he made it for me. He is confident in himself and our relationship. This has become really important to me lately as I'm working closely with two guys who I think are great and I know he doesn't mind it one bit. Some guys would, but not ma man.

7. I wish I could do accents.

8. Cold water is one of the best things on a hot day. I love water, I drink it all the time! This also leads to a lot of bathroom breaks.

9. This weekend we have another wedding and I'm puuummmpped. It's going to be beautiful. Rob's friend from high school is the bride and she will be absolutely stunning and I know, know, know I will cry.

I may write about my 5 strengths tomorrow, or I may vacuum, pack, and clean instead. I will also go to the dentist and be consulted about the wisdom that resides in my teeth. Hope you all have a fabulous Friday. Don't have too much fun without me.


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