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5 Weaknesses

There is a part of me that feels like not going deep with this post.

5 weaknesses equals: raspberries, whipped cream, adorable babies/children, The Bachelorette (please still be my friend?), and my mom's strawberry and chicken salad with poppy seed dressing and almonds (my camp family will understand why this is a weakness).

Going shallow with the weaknesses seems a whole lot easier than telling you all my short comings. Though I'm sure my mom and close friends could tell you if you'd like to hear it from someone else! ;)

On track with shallow weaknesses- cute babies make me melt. Especially sleeping cute babies, who sigh happily as they sleep on your chest. I'm almost crying here out of pure joy thinking of that. I may have just done a little chair wiggle dance, except that I'm sitting on the edge of a bed, not on a chair. Have any of you ever experienced such amazingness before?

Real weaknesses start now.

It's hard to think of 5 that I truly feel comfortable sharing.

1. I will often look to others for approval, and others approval carries far more weight than it should. This is something that I've been aware of for a long time, it's not something that I like about myself and something I hand to God often. Apparently I like to keep my hold on it though because it always likes kicking me in the bum. When people find out that I'm not a confident person (when they don't know me very well) they are often surprised. I would say that the people who know me well could guess this quickly. I have a very self-deprecating sense of humour. While I often don't really believe in what I tease myself about (hmm...this makes me sound crazy but I couldn't figure out another way of saying it...please say you understand) if you joke about something enough you begin to wonder if it's true.

2. I am a perfectionist, this is part of the reason why I am "approval-seeking". The guys at work might agree with these first two. It only takes so long before you know someone pretty well when you spend 6 hours in a tiny room with them every day.

And now....for the confusing part for all your blog readers who don't know me well...

3. I don't like being vulnerable or for people to rely on me too heavily. I'm a closed open person. Figure that one out. I think that the second sentence in this paragraph proves my point. Do you feel confused yet. My intellect is astounding. For some reason I think that is from a movie. Anyone? Rob and I talked about this very point on the way home in the car on Monday. He agreed with me.

4. I get bored with exercise too quickly. I loved running for about a year, and ran for an hour around 4 times a week. It was great, I would feel fantastic when I got back. Then I got bored. So, I started going to the gym and using the elliptical for about 6 months, then I got bored. This winter I used the EA Sports Active, and I felt great! I gained a lot of strength and felt like I looked fantastic. Then I got bored. I'm an ADD exerciser, I'm just not very disciplined in my exercising. But summer is making me realize I need to be motivated...

5. In my opinion one can always grow in their time with God. This is an area that I certainly have room to grow! I often find that when there are a few things a want to do in a day or evening the things that require less of my attention and focus get done first. I'm still trying to figure out a way to have a non-distracting space. Or somewhere dedicated to time with God. Any suggestions?

Right now I'm reading the Harry Potter series for the forth (or fifth?) time and I am loving it!! It feels like going on an adventure again with old friends. J.K Rowling is a wonderful story teller. I find myself laughing out loud when reading and wanting everyone to enjoy the book as much as I am. Can I just say that Fred and George were a lot more attractive in my head than they were in the movies. I was a little bummed with that casting choice.

I know that has nothing to do with the above list. But I don't care, I just think you should all go pick up Harry Potter and give it a read. I can assure you that you will enjoy it more as an adult, potentially, than you did as a kid. If you never read them, what are you waiting for?!

Hope you all enjoyed reading about my weaknesses! Thanks for still being my friend.


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