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Late Night...Early Morning?

I guess technically right now it is no longer Monday but Tuesday and is therefore early in the morning on Tuesday. But either way I'm not asleep as I should be on this wonderful night. I'm awake. Wide awake and my mind is buzzing with activity and for some strange reason my tummy is a grumbling. 

While mind kind and ever thoughtful (and handsome) husband had Starbucks waiting for me when I got home I forgot the fact that caffeine tends to last a while for me and has quite the effect. Especially a Cafe Americano. I should have thought of that before I finished drinking it at 7:00. So, since caffeine likes to stay in my brain for about 6 hours I'm stuck talking to the blogosphere.

I did pray for a little while for everyone that popped into my head but there is something incredibly irritating about lying in bed and not being able to sleep, or move, or turn on any lights. So after I lay there for what felt like an hour, but in all likelihood was probably only half that I decided it was time to get up instead of driving myself crazy. 

My brain on a Cafe Americano goes about 100 miles a minute so lying in bed with all that thought going everywhere isn't fun. 

Have you ever woken up in the morning and been really genuinely unsure if you dreamt something or if it really happened? Sometimes dreams are really realistic so it's hard to tell them apart from reality and sometimes reality seems so bazaar it's hard to distinguish it from your dreams. Is this just me? I tend to have a very strange dream life, especially lately so I wake up slightly confused sometimes. 

The other night I dreamt about seeing the house that God was going to give to us. It had wallpaper on the outside. I woke up and thought, "While it's probably not a realistic picture of the house God might one day provide us with it's nice to be reminded of the passion." Maybe we will end up with a house with wallpaper on the outside. It sure would make it easier to find. Think I'd find anything in a Google search? Mmm... not quite what I was dreaming about. 

I will have to ask Rob in the morning if the thing actually happened that I can't figure out if it's dream or reality. I'm pretty sure it really happened. But it feels like a dream.

I think Rob bought me coffee because I went a whole week without coffee this past week so he didn't feel bad "fuelling my addiction". I hope he never reads this blog. Or finds out where I am right now. I'm hoping he stays asleep.

I was thinking about a lot of interesting and intellectual things before I sat down at the computer. But I think it would be best for me to save them for another day. Mostly so they actually stay intellectual and don't become 12:40 in the morning caffeinated babble. 

Sorry about totally dropping the ball on the 30 things last week. It ended up being a pretty crazy week. The next one I'm supposed to write are 5 of my greatest accomplishments. If I had 5 children that post would be a lot easier to write. It would go something like this: 1. Eli 2. Mitchell 3. James 4. Lina 5. Betty- Sue 

Now it looks something like this: 1. Uhmmm...shucks.

The thought I will leave you with today is that Harry Potter can apply to almost any situation. "...we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." Case and point, thank-you Albus Dombledore. The church needs to remember this point at times. 

I also apologize for the Harry Potter kick I'm on lately. You can let me know when I've gone too far.

Sleep Tight.


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