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A Day in the Life Of Me

I feel a little silly writing this post as I'm not sure how many of you really care about what a day looks like for me right now. I wish that it was more interesting. I could pretend that I spend my days in the jungle, meeting rainforest tribes and making new monkey friends. I could also pretend that I am a professor at Hogwarts, that I am magical (some may say I am already...) and that for snack I eat Chocolate frogs and drink butterbeer. But alas my life is somewhat more normal than that (though sometimes I dream I'm working with aliens to save the world...), but I love how my days are filled and who I spend my time with.

I normally get up around 7 on the days that I work. Every other day I try to do strength training, but sometimes I barely have the strength to make myself get out of bed!

Then I have breakfast, normally cereal, and read my bible. Then head off to the shower. My whole shower routine takes me maybe 30 minutes including drying my hair and putting on make-up. Sometimes if I'm distracted it takes longer. Sometimes I remember to make myself coffee in there somewhere but most of the time I forget, I think that Rob likes this as he doesn't approve of my coffee habit. He says that I'm addicted. Which I'm not. I can quit any time thank-you very much.

I'm at work by 9:00 and chatting with my co-workers. The guys that I work with are honestly fantastic men. I'm glad to be working with guys that are such strong role models for the kids that we are working with. They are caring and interesting and calm. Victor and Daniel make me laugh constantly throughout the day, they are incredibly ridiculous and are characters with great hearts. They're the kind of guys you don't mind having around you all summer.

These past few weeks we've just been planning for summer program, this includes picking games, crafts and snacks, laughing, checking what supplies we have, getting lost on walks as we try to figure out good routes to take the kids and meeting some of the kids we'll be working with this summer. The next six weeks will be implementing that program. On Thursdays we work later with the youth worker, basically just hanging out with her and the youth and doing fun things (i.e. cooking, playing Xbox, potentially making a fool of myself at basketball, and playing games).

When the work day is done, I normally end up home around 5:00. Today that did not happen. We passed a van that looked like it exploded, Daniel and I hoped that it didn't just spontaneously go "poof".

Rob and I normally catch up on each others day, normally this involves me telling stories for a good 20 minutes about the kids or the guys or something that was happening around the community and a 5-10 minute summary from Rob. Then we either go for a run or make dinner together/head over to his brother and sister-in-laws place.

We sometimes watch a show together depending on how drained we feel. In the fall/winter this means Castle or Once Upon a Time. Right now this means whatever we can find on CTV or Global. Normally by the end of my longs days I'm ready to not talk for a little while.

After dinner we either read together, watch another show or movie, spend time with friends and family, do some stuff around the house, go for a walk to get ice cream or do things separately. Our separate things are either TV shows that the other doesn't like or me blogging or him playing computer games.

This makes us sound like an old married couple. Sometimes we do other fun things, but typically we're pretty chill. The guys at work find it a little shocking that I'm married already. They like to tease me about the fact that I don't have to pay for my own tuition. Ha!

I always forget that most people aren't married by the time they're 25. 

If we head over to Steve and Tam's, Steve and Rob normally spend their time in the wood working space and Tam and I hang out with each other and Zippy (our niece). Soon when I go over there will be a second niece and I'm SOOOO excited. Hurry up little one, we're waiting to love you!!

I know this wasn't very exciting but I really don't know what else to write. Tune (I wrote toon at first and I knew it looked wrong!) back in 15 years from now and I'm pretty sure I'll have a lot more hilarious stuff to write about. Since I only see the two year old in my life once a week I don't have silly two year old stories every day. :) My favourite saying of our niece right now is when she's jumping on the trampoline and she says very clearly and precisely, "I'm jumpin' sky high!"

I hope you all felt like you were jumpin' sky high today!


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