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A Short One

This will be a short blog for a variety of reasons. The first being that my youngest seems to have decided that napping is beneath him, though he could have fooled me with his eye rubbing and hair rubbing he was doing earlier. The hopes are that he will fall asleep without waking up his older brother, but I'm feeling a bit pessimistic so it doesn't feel very likely at this moment.

I'm not sure if any other moms out there reading this feel this but I get quite a bit of anxiety when my kids don't nap. Someone that I follow on Instagram (Anna Mathur) recently wrote a book where she addresses this in a chapter. I will buy the book if only to learn a bit more about myself and my anxiety around naps and how the heck to deal with it! I know that part of it is that I'm an introvert and this afternoon nap is the one time of day where I don't have someone constantly asking for my attention or literally attached to me. I had no idea how much I valued my personal space until I tried doing things like wash dishes, plan meals, or answer emails with someone leaning on my knee asking a kazillion questions. I truly love the's just that when a voice calls from the backseat for the 5th time during the same song, "What are they singing about, Mommy?" I am sometimes ready to scream.

Also, it seems that just as the sun has disappeared that hopeful part of the feeling I was talking about yesterday has disappeared. with it. Back in high school this feeling would have led me to write moody poems about life, unachievable (not a word...whatevs) expectations and love but right now it generally lends to me grabbing a second large cup of coffee and staring at my computer screen. I'm sure I could still write about life, expectations and love right now, however, just like those poems in high school, they're probably not something to post publicly.

So, what do I write about?

I know!

Do you guys remember how a couple of days ago I was trying to write Brené Brown name and I could not figure it out for the life of me? My wonderful cousin-in-law Jennifer helped me figure it out. And I did tell you guys that I would sing the praises of the person who helped me, so I will do just that!

Hopefully she doesn't mind...I should probably check first...

If this goes up, it's confirmation that I checked and it was okay.

Jennifer and I have kind of a fun story more recently and it took us being in totally different countries across the ocean to truly get to know each other. Her friendship has been such a gift to me during these first few years of motherhood. When Jennifer and my cousin Matthew came to visit a few years back they shared with us the wonderful news that we were expecting! In shock Rob and I looked at each other and blurted out, "Us too!" It turned out that we were due within a couple of weeks of each other. Their son ended up being born literally two weeks before ours!

Thus beginning our entry into friendship together. It was fun getting to share our birth experiences with one another and just how we were finding the adjustment to being moms for the first time. We would Skype each other and chat while our boys slept or crawled around playing. Jennifer is wonderfully easy to talk to, I always found myself sad to end a chat. When we can experience so much guilt, judgement and shaming in parenting it was such a gift to find someone who was just open and non-judgemental.

Cue about a year into our random Skype calls and I was feeling incredibly nauseous due to being pregnant with our second. I had really wanted to tell her because she was someone I wanted to share the journey with. When I told her, she started to laugh because she was pregnant too! I love that we have four kids (between the two of us) so close in age! In fact, our youngest boys are also only a couple weeks apart.

While with both of us running after two under two we don't get a chance to talk as often as we used to. I truly treasure her and the gift of support, encouragement and friendship she has offered to me in these last few years.

Thanks for your help, Jennifer! Not only with figuring out how to write accents, but for being a support as I adjusted to life as a mom.


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