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Welcome one, welcome all! :)

I decided to start this blog with the high hopes that it would drive me to write more. I've found that lately my time spent writing for the sake of writing has decreased greatly and a part of me has really missed it. I also had some encouragement from a fellow campmate and blogger. :)

As the title so aptly states a lot of these blog posts will probably come from me procrastinating or me just sitting in class thinking about life, love and God instead of children developing language, what Wordsworth really meant by his use of the word nature and the like. Really at times these random thoughts and rambles that come out of me pondering and praying seem more useful. I hope I'm not alone here in this sentiment.

Especially as I head into 7 months of planning a wedding, thinking about marriage, life and the future I'm sure I'll have lots to ponder and ramble about. :)

Sorry for the let down in the first post, but I promise more will come later. Especially as I head off to Canadian Drama on this fine, snowy yet rainy, Friday afternoon. These classes always tend to give many chances for my mind to wander, though not due to an uninteresting professor, she is fantastic. It's Friday afternoon, cold, cloudy and lazy, what a better time to let your mind wander.

I hope our adventure together is a good one...


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