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Strawberry Pickin'

Today one of my closest friends (everyone say "Hi Stephanie!") and I went strawberry picking. I haven't been in so long. In fact I think the last time I went I was around the age where I had no inhibition for eating as many strawberries as possible. Today most of my strawberries landed in the bowl.

It was sooo wonderful to be out in the sun with the gorgeous breeze softening the heat from the sun. We had a lovely time picking strawberries, chatting, eating strawberries (and licking the juice off our arms that had dripped down while eating the strawberries...I ended up getting some on my bicep!).

It's such a blessing to live so close to the countryside and for it to be so easy to get there.

We headed off to Stephanie's parents house afterwards to visit with her mom (Lisa) and to pick some sweet snap peas and snow peas. As soon as I discovered that we would be seeing Lisa I was so excited! :) As always it was so wonderful to see her and just chat with her and Stephanie over coffee. Even though she wasn't feeling too well she was a fantastic host, making us coffee and making sure we were fed and happy. What a fantastic woman.

Stephanie and I then headed outside again to pick some of those peas and it made me realize that I love getting to do stuff like this. It just confirmed for me that I will enjoy (Though not always) owning a small farm some day with a little vegetable garden. I have a lot to learn but I know there are people around who would love to help me out and boss me around. ;) Being at their farm always increases my desire to own a farm some day and it just confirms for me that it is something that I will probably love. It's a passion God has put on my heart.

Once we were done picking everything we headed down to the pond and waded out to a rock and attempted to make the minnows nibble at our feet. They liked mine more but we figured out that it was because I has a little "jewel" on my big toe. :) It was wonderful just sitting in the sun, watching the fish and laughing about the connections that we have from childhood even though we didn't know each other. We grew up going to the same lake in the summer and just found this out last summer. Even though we were roommates/housemates in undergrad for a year and a half! I said on the way back to Waterloo that God must have meant for us to be friends, and I believe it.

God has blessed me in so many ways, through wonderful friendships, tasty sugar snap peas and delicious ripe strawberries, having the physical freedom and health to wander around and do all these things and though a beautiful day spent with marvelous people. I'm so blessed to have the friends I have. Stephanie and her husband Ben have been a great blessing for Rob and I over the past year and a half and we truly value their friendship. We're heading off to the drive-in tonight where we will feast on sugar snap peas, strawberries, caramel corn and a plethora of bulk barn goodies. Oh and coffee, cause we won't survive the night without it. Maybe I'll actually remember to take pictures and post them tomorrow.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend. Get out and enjoy creation!


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