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People Who Have Influenced Me

I decided that it is much too hard to write about 10 people that influence me because I'm not really quite sure if I could think of that many individual people and actually be able to concretely tell you why.

I know that along the way there have been a lot of people that have influenced me, this is just a small selection of those who have done so.

I understand that some of these are groups of people or two people but we will count them as a whole.

Ruth... I've mentioned her before. I met her when I went to Taiwan. I know that God planned for us to be friends because how else do a girl from the UK and a girl from Canada meet in Taiwan? This special, lovely woman has been a voice of reason and wisdom many times for me over the past few years. I am incredibly blessed to have her in my life, even if it is just through the internet. I treasure our late night conversations from when we were in Taiwan and the late night conversations we have had since on msn or facebook when she made me laugh so hard I cried and just wanted everyone I knew to meet her. She always knows what questions to ask and has said so many things that get me thinking. One that has stuck with me recently that I wrote down in my journal for Taiwan was this, "You love to support others in their vulnerability, but in yourself you see it as a weakness." It's might not be an exact quote, but I'm lazy and I don't want to go searching through the apartment for the journal and then the quote. I believe it is 99% correct. ;) Ruth, thank-you for all the ways that you have encouraged me, prayed for me, made me laugh, challenged me and been there for me from millions of miles away.

Camp Ladies...all of the women that I have worked side-by-side with up at camp have influenced me in so many ways. They have reminded me of the importance of prayer and the importance of going before God as we are and as we feel. They have taught me confidence and security in Christ. They have taught me perseverance and the excitement of pursuing adventure with God. Each of them has challenged me to move closer to God every summer. Chevy taught me joy and finding life in the arms of our Saviour, she taught me to laugh in all situations. Surf taught me the comfort of a friend that knows you so well and still loves you, she taught me to find freedom in independence from others but remaining dependent on God. Veto taught me to treasure each moment and to remember these moments with others. Mocha taught me how to be open when it can be hard, how to embrace life, how to enjoy each moment and how to love people deeply. And everyone of these women made my love for starry night skies and cold lake water in the moonlight grow even stronger and my desire to pursue God with abandon increase ten fold.

Steve and Lisa are the parents of one of my best friends and they have set an example for me of what I want my marriage to be like. Lisa models the kind of mother that I want to be and the kind of wife I want to be. She is strong, loving, hilarious and servant-hearted. These two make you feel like the most loved and important person in the world. Rob and I are blessed to have such an amazing example of a Godly marriage.

Ducktape... or Garrett if you want to be formal, but that's not really how I roll. Through many conversations with him I was challenged to really form answers on a biblical foundation for why I believe what I believe. He taught me to really look into God's word and to study it, to look at the context and what the words are really saying. Ducktape taught me what it looks like to pursue God and to know His Word, and to know God's word through my heart and my head.

Rob... my wonderful husband has influenced me in so many ways. In the greatest way he has taught me to relax, and let go, to trust that God's plan is good. He has helped me gain confidence and in some ways I think he has expanded my sense of humour. Rob has shown me what it like to trust fully and completely, what it looks like to love quietly but deeply, and also how to love people without conditions.

Joanna... one of my bestest friends, my "bosom buddy" and my fellow adventurer. She has taught me what it means to surrender everything to God. She has shown me what it looks like to desire to passionately follow God. She has taught me how to laugh at my self. She constantly reminds me that it is good to have a childlike and innocent heart. She has been a solid and constant friend for me over the years, always ready and willing for great conversation. Joanna has taught me the value of friendships that last a lifetime.

My Parents... the two people that have perhaps had the biggest role in who I am today. I hope that they take that as a compliment! :) They taught me boundaries as a young child. They showed me how to serve and how to love and how to share...even if I'm not and wasn't always the best at it. They both have taught me so much, and over the years as I learn more I realize of brilliant they were in the way that they raised me. I definitely look to them for my parenting style, they were wise in the way the raised us.

Claudia... she was a camper of mine, now dear friend and she is an amazing young woman of God. The light and love of Christ shines from her and her beauty comes from her time in His presence. She desires to love Him deeply and to do that which pleases Him. She is a great example to me of faith and of a desire to follow God. Every time I receive an e-mail from her I'm blown away by her wisdom, strength, love and thirst for God. Claudia thank-you for all the ways you have inspired and moved me over the years. You are a spectacular and special young woman, I'm so proud of all you do for God and for others.

There are so many other people that I thought of during this time; Russ, camp counsellors, friends, professors but it's not possible to cover all the people that have influenced me in my short life, so this will have to do.

Strawberry picking tomorrow! So excited! :)


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