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Far Too Long

My goodness it has been way too long since I wrote in here last. I cannot believe what a crazy summer it has been. But such a good summer! We became an aunt and uncle to another sweet niece, Katie Joy. She is so adorable and I could snuggle her all day long. We were also so blessed to be invited to a bunch of weddings this summer. It is so wonderful to be there to celebrate with the bride and groom as them embark on a new adventure.

It has also been a summer full of growing. Growing in our marriage, growing in my relationship with God, and growing in my understanding of who I am.

I finish work this week and head back to school in a few weeks. I'm so blessed to have this time and I hope to fill it with many wonderful people and memories. Since one of my bestest friends leaves for 10 months in just a short while this time off gives us a chance to spend two full days together! How fantastic is that?!

I hope to start up on writing more often in the fall. There have been many things that I have been pondering that I would love to share with y'all. Some of them fun things that filled our summer and some of them just ponderings that have been whooshing around in my head.

I'll start back up with the 30 Things soon so you can continue to learn useless information about me.

I head up to camp this week to visit and I am so excited. Though it is going to be weeeiiirrdd as most of the staff have changed and I don't think I'll know any of the campers, though I'm pretty sure one of my favourites will be there. But shhh.... camp counsellors don't have favourites!

Hope all of your summers and been exquisite!


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