I've kept this stone and English pound in one of my jacket pockets for 7 and 3 years respectively. They have both provided grounding reminders for me throughout the years when I've put my hands into my pockets. The stone, as you might be able to tell, had been polished by water before it was smoothed down further by my fingers. It was soothing to feel the near perfect curve from end to end as I fiddled with it. The pound is weighty, in a nice way, it was a reminder of wonderful time with friends...that I was never alone. The other day when I put that jacket on again and touched the stone I was reminded that it had fallen and broken recently. The smooth curve from end to end is no longer there...it stops abruptly. As I fiddled with it in my pockets watching my boys meander along the side of the road I thought, "There has to be a message here." None came at the time so I tucked the thought away to ponder and pray about later. The next day this thought came as I wa...
Perhaps exactly what the blog name says- Here lie the ponderings of my heart and some silly thoughts along the way for good measure. Enjoy your stay!