I sat down at the computer today and decided that I was going to force myself to write. So, what follows is an unplanned, unedited flow of thoughts from my brain to your eyes as you read this blog. When writing I find that I float along from one idea to another, unsure about what really to write about until it seems like something "fits" and it flows easily. That lovely "fitting" moment has not happened for me over the past few days. That's the thing though, if I always wait for that wonderful moment where words just easily flow I will probably never really write anything. I find myself sometimes with an idea but I'm not in the "right" place or atmosphere to write and I just leave the idea on a shelf to come back to later. However, when I wander back to the shelf later to pick up the idea because I've found myself in this ideal environment I no longer really want to write. It's a conundrum. Actually, it's a conundrum that has a name. ...
Perhaps exactly what the blog name says- Here lie the ponderings of my heart and some silly thoughts along the way for good measure. Enjoy your stay!