Things that are “the best”: 1. Talking under the stars. When I think of this I think of two things. A) The hill at camp. B) The campsite where the camp family first discovered Venus Goddess Island, sitting out on the rocks with Surf and Mocha with our feet dangling and just staring at the stars. 2. Campfires. 3. Warm showers, especially warm showers after not showering for days. TMI? A friend pointed out that cold showers can be nice on hot summer days, but I prefer to just jump in a lake at that point...though when that is not possible the shower is a good alternative. 4. Coffee alone or with friends (the fictional or non-fictional kind). 5. Road trips with friends...or alone. But a few things must be included. Good music. A good be read aloud preferably. Good food, and by good food I don’t necessarily mean healthy. Someone to encourage my caffeine addiction-this is not Rob but I forgive him. Car dancing. 6. Hiking, I just like the feeling of really exerting my...
Perhaps exactly what the blog name says- Here lie the ponderings of my heart and some silly thoughts along the way for good measure. Enjoy your stay!